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NutriBlast® Specialty Nutrition Powder - Tinnitus Blend

  • Image of the NutriBlast® Tinnitus Blend

    NutriBlast Tinnitus

  • About the NutriBlast® Tinnitus Blend

    Thanks for your interest in my NutriBlast Tinnitus bland. This is how it came about.

    Geoffrey is a musician friend who has a rather severe case of tinnitus. Quite a hindrance for a muso!

    He looked at a long sales pitch on a web site for a not-so-cheap solution and asked me about doing a special formula to address what the site’s author claims is the nerve damage that caused tinnitus. I looked at the ingredients, some of which I already use, and promised him I would look at it for him.

    Then Google or Facebook may have noticed what I was looking at as they presented me with an ad for another page which agreed with the first page as to the cause but had a completely different set of ingredients they recommended to address it!

    Recalling the video I saw of a medical doctor who cured herself of MS (a degenerative disease of the nerves and brain) with diet ( and knowing that inflammation is one of the major factors in nearly every degenerative disease, the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle seemed to dovetail neatly. So I started listing a formula and placed an order for ingredients I did not have. This is the result.

    If you decide to use this formula to see if it works for you, I would recommend you minimise your intake of simple carbs and sugars to reduce as much as possible any dietary sources of inflammation. That will give the formula the best chance of working for you.

  • To Purchase the NutriBlast® Tinnitus Blend

    When you are finished browsing click or tap

    here for an explanation of my pricing options,

    then, to order,

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    here for a long form price list/order page.

  • Allergen Statement for the NutriBlast® Tinnitus Blend

    If you have allergies, food intolerances or dietary preferances, click here for an handy reference guide. To download a pdf of it, click here.

    If you have allergies, food intolerances or dietary preferances, click here for an handy reference guide as to which of my products contain what ingredients. To download a pdf of it, click here.

    And like all my products, what I leave out is as important as what I put in:

    No artificial colours Tick No artificial flavours Tick No artificial fragrances Tick
    No cane sugar Tick No excitotoxins Tick No flavour enhancers Tick
    No detectable gluten Tick No added preservatives Tick No trans-fats Tick
  • Ingredient List for the NutriBlast® Tinnitus Blend

    (Click on any hyperlinked ingredient for a data sheet on that ingredient.)

    In descending order of quantities used:

    I encourage you to check out the credentials of each of the ingredients I have used in this formulation. The more you know yourself about nutrition, the more empowered you will be and the more you will respect what I have attempted. I am not saying the formula is perfect or won’t be improved or even that you won’t be able to make a useful suggestion (to which I am open). What I am saying is that you will most likely be very impressed. Most people are.

    This list can sometimes vary according to ingredient availability.

    In descending order of quantities used:

    • Buchu*
    • Green Tea Ext
    • Hawthorn Berry
    • Hibiscus*
    • Juniper Berries*
    • Olive Leaf*
    • Uva Ursi
    • Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
    • Lecithin (from sunflower seeds, not soy)
    • Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
    • Bitter Melon*
    • Turmeric
    • Alfalfa*
    • Asparagus*
    • Celery*
    • Cucumber
    • Kale*
    • Probiotics*
    • Fulvic Minerals*
    • Klamath Blue Green Algae*
    • Garlic
    • Nattokinase
    • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

    * an asterisk after the ingredient name denotes wild crafted or organic.

    The probiotics are to aid in the absorption of the nutrients through the intestinal wall.

    The fulvic acid is to aid the transport of nutrients to the cells.

    The Klamath Blue Green Algae has great nutrition content, including an assimilable form of B12, mentioned in one of the formulae.

    The Alfalfa, Asparagus, Celery, Cucmber and Kale are to emulate in part the nerve benefiting nutrient intake that worked so well for Dr Terry Wahls in curing her MS - Minding Your Mitochondria,

  • Nutrition Information Panel for the NutriBlast® Tinnitus Blend

    Coming soon...

  • Mineral & Vitamin Content for the NutriBlast® Tinnitus Blend

    Coming soon...

  • Testimonials for the NutriBlast® Tinnitus Blend

    Coming soon...

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