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Healthelicious NutriBlast® Anti-Spike Blend

  • Image of the NutriBlast® Anti-Spike Blend

    NutriBlast Anti-Spike

  • About the NutriBlast® Anti-Spike Blend

    Short story:
    a nutritional formulation, with no detectable gluten, of 50+ healthy ingredients reputed or proven to have a beneficial effect on bodies contaminated with spike protein.

    A client asked me what is the difference between the Greens Plus and the Anti-Spike Blend?

    I answered:

    Interesting question. Thanks for asking. Many of the ingredients are the same but there are a dozen in the current blend) of the Anti-Spike (Lutein, Rutin, Green Tea Extract, Wormwood, Bromelain, L-Arginine, L-Lysine, N-Acetyl L-Cysteine, Nattokinase, Quercetin, Resveratrol, Xylitol) that are not in the Greens Plus and others that are in both have hugely increased quantities in the Anti-Spike. For instance Dandelion Root Powder has 10 grams in a 6.4 kilo mix of Greens Plus and 512 grams in the same amount of Anti-Spike.

    The Greens Plus is the shotgun approach - give the body a bit of everything good in the expectation that:
    a) it will run better on better fuel and
    b) if it is suffering a nutritional deficiency then there is every chance it will be rectified due to the nutrient diversity and density in the blend.

    The Anti-Spike is my sniper rifle to target the negative effect the spike protein is having throughout the body

    One Problem - The Spike Protein

    According to some sources, there are three possible ways a body can acquire spike protein:

    • by being infected with COVID
    • by receiving a Covid jab
    • by transfection/shedding from contact with persons in the first two categories.

    Since most have had Covid they get it that way, and most have had the jab, they also get it that way, and the few who have not had Covid or the jab have been in contact with members ofthe first two groups, that means nearly every single person has been exposed to the spike protein either directly or indirectly.

    The long story...

    Since the beginning of the Covid saga I had been keenly observing the drama unfold and collecting as much data as I could to be whatever assistance I could be to those with whom I am in touch.

    Covid jabs are not vaccines but a gene therapy that reprograms the cells to start manufacturing spike protein to cause the body to create an immune response to it.

    There is no “off switch” to the production of spike protein in the jabbed person. The Covid jabs have been found to suppress the immune system and substantially increase the number and speed of progression of cancers.

    Despite what you may have been told by the media, deaths from Covid were about the same as the normal seasonal flu deaths of which none were reported during Covid. So the Covid deaths replaced the flu deaths in the reported statistics.

    Adverse reactions are being reporting after receiving Covid jabs.

    Various analysts and researchers report that a primary source of adverse reactions to the Covid jab come from the spike protein that the Covid shot causes the cells of the jabbed person to generate.

    Dr. Peter McCullough: “It has been confirmed from 3,400 manuscripts that the spike protein is present in every tissue of the human body. The brain, heart, adrenal glands, reproductive organs, skin, eyes are everywhere. It is present in blood vessels and in the blood clots.”

    This image illustrates the impact of the jab on the blood cells, causing them to clump and create clots.

    Blood Cells Before and After

    It seems reasonable to assume that this is the reason you see so many reports of people who “died suddenly”. Especially when you learn that Dr Charles Hoffe had his Covid jabbed patients tested and found 62 percent had microclots after the jab.

    The Unjabbed Are Being Affected Too

    Many unjabbed people report experiencing adverse reactions after different levels of contact with Covid jabbed people.

    A person who has had Covid can infect another person via a process known as transfection or “shedding”, where particles can be released into the environment through sneezing, coughing, touching or even speaking.

    What is becoming just as much of an issue is that whether or not they have had Covid, a Covid jabbed person can also “shed” particles to an unjabbed person via intimate contact, open sores or even breathing!

    I have spoken to unjabbed people who report feeling worse after being exposed to Covid jabbed individuals. Instances are available of the unjabbed being adversely affected after contact with the jabbed. I read:

    • of a baby dying after a visit from Covid jabbed grandparents.
    • of an unjabbed woman acquiring vAIDS from a newy jabbed sleeping partner.
    • and I have personally spoken to people who feel worse after being around those who have had a Covid jab.

    Bottom line, while many of us notice no symptoms at all, jabbed or unjabbed, we have all being infected by particles from the gene therapy that is the Covid jab.

    Some of us are more sensitive and are severely and immediately impacted than others of us but IMHO we all need to undertake a detoxification.

    Some of the articles that have led me to that view are listed below in the References section:

    Fast forward to December 2023 when I saw this interview with Dr Peter McCullough: wherein he detailed his McCullough Protocol Base Spike Protein Detoxification and advised it was ’the only published method offering hope of elimination of Spike protein from the body as the root cause’.

    Interstingly enough, all his ingredients:

    • Dandelion Extract
    • Nigella
    • Curcumin from Turmeric
    • Irish Moss
    • Bromelain
    • Green Tea Extract
    • Nattokinase
    • Pepper
    • Selenium

    were listed in my protocol, as were many others.

    I had never sought to profit from the pain or sickness of others so I just made the protocol available for free.

    But just recently, someone close to me was experiencing many issues (mental fog, tiredness, muscle weakness) many attributed as symptoms of the jab and I was no longer feeling 195 percent, as I usually do.

    After watching Dr McCullough’s video and hearing about the shedding of spike protein from the Covid jabbed to the unjabbed and reading supporting article I figured I needed to do something.

    I checked out the price of Dr McCullough’s formula and decided I needed to either buy some of his or, alternately, make my own.

    Why bother making my own when I could buy his and have it available instantly? Several reasons:

    • Buying capsules you are also ingesting whatever the capsules are made of.
    • You are also ingesting whatever the maker deems appropriate to make their job easier, so the product often contains fillers and non-nutrients that make the mix easier to go through the equipment.
    • And, lastly, I am always prepared to try for better. If Dr McCullough’s formula gets a result in 3-12 months, I like to try to see if I can get a better result in less time. How? Well, nature is very synergistic. Often times you put two ingredients together and you get much more than what could be reasonably expected. For instance broccoli and chicken both have anti-cancer effects on the body. Eat the two together and you get 13 times the anti-cancer benefit.

    So I entered the 9 ingredients into my formulations spreadsheet and for the first batch added another 24 ingredients from my Covid Jab Detox Protocol and computed I could make 400 grams of my 33 ingredient (it now has over 50 ingredients) Spike Blend for the same price as my regular NutriBlast range.

    A 10 gram serving of my Spike Blend twice a day would deliver the same amount of each of the ingredients in Dr McCullough’s recommended combination as well as dozens of other ingredients.

    Anti-Spike Blend Pricing

    If you buy one tub of Spike Blend at a time for $120, that would last 20 days at his recommended dosage and works out to $6 a day. Very close to his price but with dozens more ingredients.

    The trouble with only one month of his capsules or one tub of my Spike Blend is that according to Dr McCullough, a person does not notice much improvement till they have been on the protocol a minimum of 3 months. (It must take that long for the body to reverse the damage done by the spike protein.) And, depending on the severity of symptoms, they might need to be on it 12 months. (Click the testimonials tab to read of some early users of my Anti-Spike Blend. I am pleasntly surprised that my adding of the many other ingredients does in fact seem to produce instant benefits for some people.)

    If you buy 4 tubs of my Spike Blend at a time, you qualify for wholesale price of $75 a tub, which works out to $3.75 a day. That gives you an 80 day supply at less than the price of a cup of coffee a day.

    If there are two of you wanting to detox spike proteins then consider getting 16 tubs of my Spike Blend at a time which brings the unit price down to half retail, $60 a tub, $3 a day each.

    As I am overseas at present, drop me an email at Feedback if I can be of assistance.

    Since I wrote this, more data has come to light.

    Based on data from across the world, it’s beyond clear that the COVID shots are the most dangerous drugs ever deployed. If you already got one or more COVID jabs and are now reconsidering, you’d be wise to talk to your doctor about avoiding all vaccines from here on, as you need to end the assault on your body. Even if you haven’t experienced any obvious side effects, your health may still be impacted long-term, so think very seriously about taking any more shots.

    If you’re suffering from side effects, potentially your first order of business is to eliminate the spike protein — and/or any aberrant off-target protein — that your body is producing. Two remedies shown to bind to and facilitate the removal of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein are hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. I don’t know if these drugs will work on off-target proteins and nanolipid accumulation as well. Consult your doctor.

    Anti-Spike Is A Great Start But Not The Whole Story

    Mechanisms Of Systemic Harm

    I wish I could honestly answer that I had solved the whole problem with my Anti-Spike Blend, but I cannot.

    I will use an analogy to explain it.

    If a person goes to a hospital emergency room with a serious cut in their arm, a broken leg, suffering an asthma attack which leads to a heart attack then you are not going to be able to fix all his symptoms with a single solution.

    So it is with Covid and the Covid ”vaccine”. With Covid and the ”vaccine” you have the spike protein as being the main source of problems in the body. The spike protein goes to all areas of the body and causes blood clots which cause heart attacks and strokes, fertility problems, lung and breathing problems, lack of energy etc.

    That single vector or harm is what I have attempted to address with my Anti-Spike Blend.

    The contents of the ”vaccine” have been examined and found to contain DNA fragments, graphene oxide and other toxins. As well as that, despite claims of ”misinformation” from the health authorities and online fact checkers, the mRNA and DNA fragments do alter the DNA of the vaccinated person.

    From: 25 July 2021

    ”The news first came out on June 25 on a Spanish television show. El Gato al Agua, a current affairs show hosted by José Javier Esparza broke the news that toxic nanoparticulates of graphene oxide have been found in massive quantities in the Pfizer vaccine analyzed by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid and other biochemists and academics at the University of Almeria, on the initiative of La Quinta Columna, a small group of Spanish researchers headed by Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano.

    Dr. Delgado states that the nanographene oxide creates thrombogenicity or blood-clotting in the veins, compromises the immune system, causes bilateral pneumonia, causes loss of smell and taste, causes multi-organ inflammation and essentially creates all the symptoms attributed early in the pandemic rollout to COVID-19.

    The researchers note that graphene oxide has been used before in small quantities as an adjuvant in vaccines, and may be found at low levels in flu shots.

    The surprise here in the vials tested was the high quantity of graphene oxide, with Dr Delgado claiming it made up close to 98 percent to 99 percent of the contents.”

    These graphene oxide particles have been observed under microscope to start to self assemble to create structures in the veins.

    Another effect of the vaccine is to produce rubbery clots in the veins unlike anything ever seen before by morticians. According to a survey by Steve Kirsch, 70% of embalmers report seeing these clots post vaccination. They had never been seen prior to 2021.

    So, to summarize, just on what I have read so far, the ”vaccines” do the following.

    Get the body to start and continue to make the harmful spike protein with no “off switch”.
    Cause blood clotting.
    Produce rubbery clots composed not of blood.
    Inject graphene oxide particles that self assemble to create structures, the purpose of which is as yet unknown.
    Insert foreign mRNA into the body.
    Alter the recipients’ DNA.

    So, I formulated my Anti-Spike Blend to address the most immediately harmful effect, that of causing the body to make spike protein and not stop.

    To address the rubbery clots I have heard that methylene blue is effective.

    The graphene oxide (and potentially aluminium and mercury) in the vaccine needs to be chelated out and I have learned that Zeolite, Bentonite clay, Diamotacious earth, Activated charcoal and Fulvic acid minerals are the ingredients to use to do that. I put Fulvic acid minerals in my Anti-Spike blend as it is also a good source of mineral nutrients and helps transport up to 60 times its own weight in nutrients into the cells. As soon as I get back to Australia I plan on sourcing the others to make the heavy metal detox product.

    I have no evidence to back this up but based on my own personal experience, a thorough purification rundown might be required to fully detox a body from the heavy metals.


    Over the last 4 years I have done a lot of reading and compiled a Covid vaccination detox protocol. If you are interested, email me for a link to it

    If you are interested in reading more on the above I have collected some articles from respected professionals that go into the details. Email me for the list of them.

  • To Purchase the NutriBlast® Anti-Spike Blend

    When you are finished browsing click or tap

    here for an explanation of my pricing options,

    then, to order,

    here for an ordering page tabbed by category


    here for a long form price list/order page.

    Or, if you prefer, just send me an email.

    Personally I can cover a lot more ground a lot faster verbally rather than by typing. If you have questions you would like to ask I am in the Caribbean at present but can talk via Signal or WhatsApp so drop me an email and let me know the best time to call you and on what mobile number.

  • Allergen Statement for the NutriBlast® Anti-Spike Blend

    Contains herbs and spices.

    If you have allergies, food intolerances or dietary preferances, click here for an handy reference guide as to which of my products contain what ingredients. To download a pdf of it, click here.

    And like all my products, what I leave out is as important as what I put in:

    No artificial colours Tick No artificial flavours Tick No artificial fragrances Tick
    No cane sugar Tick No excitotoxins Tick No flavour enhancers Tick
    No detectable gluten Tick No added preservatives Tick No trans-fats Tick
  • Ingredient List for the NutriBlast® Anti-Spike Blend

    (Click on any hyperlinked ingredient for a data sheet on that ingredient. Ingredients new to my list may not yet have a data sheet.)

    The ingredients for an individual batch may vary slightly due to seasonal unavailability, crop failure or supplier shortages.

    In descending order of quantity used in the standard recipe, ingredients include:

    * an asterisk after the ingredient name denotes wild crafted or organic.

    This information is current as of 4 June 2024. Batches made before or after this date may be different.

  • Nutrition Information Panel for NutriBlast Anti-Spike Blend

    Daily portion size: 20 grams (split morning and night)
    Nutrient per 20 gram portion per 100g Nutrient per 20 gram portion per 100g
    Energy 155 776 Protein 1.61 8.05
    Unsaturated Fats 0.76 3.81 Sugars 0.72 3.6
    Saturated Fats 0.38 1.91 Carbohydrates 5.57 27.84
    Medium Chain Triglycerides 0.00 0.00 Fibre 1.89 9.45
    Total Fat 1.4 7.02 Sodium 14.63 73.17

    This information is current as of 4 June 2024, is approximate and average.
    Despite my best efforts at thoroughly mixing the ingredients, the actual values can vary from tub to tub and serving to serving.

  • Mineral & Vitamin Content for NutriBlast Anti-Spike Blend

    % of Recommended Daily Intake For
    Nutrient Men Women
    Energy 1.5 1.7
    Protein 2.8 3.4
    Total Fat .5 .7
    Carbohydrates 2.9 3.5
    Fibre 6.3 7.6
    Calcium 3.3 2.6
    Copper 2.2 3.1
    Iron 50.7 50.7
    Manganese 5.5 6
    Magnesium 26 26
    Phosphorus 1.9 1.9
    Potassium 2.3 3.1
    Selenium over 100 over 100
    Sodium 2.1 2.1
    Zinc 6.1 9.1
    Vitamin A 28 36
    Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 2.3 2.5
    Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 3.2 4.9
    Vitamin B3 (Niacin) over 100 over 100
    Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 4.9 4.9
    Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 3.6 3.9
    Vitamin B7 (Biotin) 0.9 0.8
    Vitamin B8 (Inositol) 0 0
    Vitamin B9 (as Folate and/or Folic Acid) 2.3 2.3
    Vitamin B12 0 0
    Choline 1 1.2
    Betaine 36.1 46.7
    Vitamin C Over 100 Over 100
    Vitamin D3 Over 100 Over 100
    Vitamin E 2.6 3.7
    Vitamin K 42.6 56.8

    This information is current as of 4 June 2024, is approximate and average.
    Despite my best efforts at thoroughly mixing the ingredients, the actual values can vary from tub to tub and serving to serving.

    Where possible I formulate my recipes to deliver the vitmains and minerals from plant ingredients that contain those nutrients.

    In some recipes and for some nutrients I supplement what I can obtain from plant sources by adding vitamin or mineral powders, such as the fulvic acid minerals, calcium, magnesium, potassium etc..

  • Testimonials for the NutriBlast® Anti-Spike Blend

    Personally, I feel back to my peak after just being on it for three weeks...

    “Noticed an immediate benefit in a clearer head and feeling better.” K

    “My cells feel activated and my body feels warm from the inside. And somehow the food started to taste better to me.” C

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